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Gallery of Antisemitism Example 4

Religious Antisemitism: Distortion of Jewish scripture – for example, claiming that the Talmud says that paedophilia is acceptable To see the whole Gallery of Antisemitism,…

Gallery of Antisemitism: Example 3

Religious Antisemitism: Blood Libel To see the whole Gallery of Antisemitism, visit To contact us, visit The Blood Libel canard is one of…

Gallery of Antisemitism: Example 2

Religious Antisemitism: Judas and 30 pieces of silver To see the whole Gallery of Antisemitism, visit To contact us, visit The phrase ‘thirty…

Gallery of Antisemitism: Example 1

Religious Antisemitism: Responsibility for the death of Jesus Christ To see the whole Gallery of Antisemitism, visit To contact us, visit One of…

Is this the end of Netanyahu’s premiership?

The State of Israel has just had its second election of the year, after the previous election in March failed to produce a workable coalition.  …

Antisemitic social media posts and why

Here are three images which we have posted on our facebook page. One of our members has created these images which give specific examples of…

Debunking the Shulamit Aloni meme

A meme and sometimes video of former Meretz MK apparently claiming that Israeli politicians use antisemitism as a way to ‘trick people’ is very popular…